Python Commands Cheat Sheet

Versio ninfo Python version info winver Version number Python sys.argv gv0 gv1 bar gv2 -c gv3 qux gv4 -h sys.argv for the command: $ python bar -c qux -h Python os Variables altsep Altern ative sep curdir Current dir string defpath Default search path devnull Path of null device.

  1. This cheat sheet has been designed assuming that you have a basic knowledge of python and machine learning but need a quick reference to turn to when you need to look up the commands in Scikit. What is Scikit Learn? Scikit-Learn or “ sklearn“ is a free, open source machine learning library for the Python programming language.
  2. Python is a flexible programming language that has become increasingly popular in the past few years. This cheat sheet is designed to give you a handy resource for common Python data types, Python operators, and Python functions. It includes Python data types, operators, special characters, f-strings, and functions for working with robots.
  • Command CheatSheet

Command CheatSheet


Without argument, print the list of available commands. With a command name as argument, print help about that command.


Print a stack trace, with the most recent frame at the bottom. An arrow indicates the “current frame”, which determines the context of most commands.


Move the current frame one level down in the stack trace (to a newer frame).


Move the current frame one level up in the stack trace (to an older frame).

b(reak): [ ([filename:]lineno | function) [, condition] ]


With a filename:line number argument, set a break there. If filename is omitted, use the current file. With a function name, set a break at the first executable line of that function. Without argument, list all breaks. Each breakpoint is assigned a number to which all the other breakpoint commands refer.

The condition argument, if present, is a string which must evaluate to true in order for the breakpoint to be honored.

tbreak: [ ([filename:]lineno | function) [, condition] ]

Temporary breakpoint, which is removed automatically when it is first hit. The arguments are the same as break.

cl(ear): [bpnumber [bpnumber ...] ]

With a space separated list of breakpoint numbers, clear those breakpoints. Without argument, clear all breaks (but first ask confirmation).

disable bpnumber: [bpnumber ...]

Disables the breakpoints given as a space separated list of breakpoint numbers. Disabling a breakpoint means it cannot cause the program to stop execution, but unlike clearing a breakpoint, it remains in the list of breakpoints and can be (re-)enabled.

enable bpnumber: [bpnumber ...]

Enables the breakpoints specified.

ignore bpnumber count

Sets the ignore count for the given breakpoint number. If count is omitted, the ignore count is set to 0. A breakpoint becomes active when the ignore count is zero. When non-zero, the count is decremented each time the breakpoint is reached and the breakpoint is not disabled and any associated condition evaluates to true.

condition bpnumber condition

condition is an expression which must evaluate to true before the breakpoint is honored. If condition is absent, any existing condition is removed; i.e., the breakpoint is made unconditional.


Execute the current line, stop at the first possible occasion (either in a function that is called or in the current function).


Continue execution until the next line in the current function is reached or it returns.


Continue execution until the line with a number greater than the current one is reached or until the current frame returns.


Continue execution until the current function returns.

run [args ...]

Restart the debugged python program. If a string is supplied it is splitted with “shlex”, and the result is used as the new sys.argv. History, breakpoints, actions and debugger options are preserved. “restart” is an alias for “run”.


Continue execution, only stop when a breakpoint is encountered.

l(ist): [first [,last]]

List source code for the current file. Without arguments, list 11 lines around the current line or continue the previous listing. With one argument, list 11 lines starting at that line. With two arguments, list the given range; if the second argument is less than the first, it is a count.


Python 3 Quick Reference Card

Print the argument list of the current function.

p expression

Print the value of the expression.

Python selenium commands cheat sheet

Frequently used python selenium commands – Cheat Sheet

To import webdriver module in python use below import statement

Driver setup:
firefoxdriver = webdriver.Firefox(executable_path=”Path to Firefox driver”)

To download: Visit GitHub

chromedriver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=”Path to Chrome driver”)

To download: Visit Here

Internet Explorer:
iedriver = webdriver.IE(executable_path=”­Pat­h To­ IEDriverServer.exe”)

To download: Visit Here

edgedriver = webdriver.Edge(executable_path=”­Pat­h To­ MicrosoftWebDriver.exe”)

To download: Visit Here

operadriver = webdriver.Opera(executable_path=”­Pat­h To­ operadriver”)

To download: visit GitHub


SafariDriver now requires manual installation of the extension prior to automation

Browser Arguments:


To open browser in headless mode. Works in both Chrome and Firefox browser


To start browser maximized to screen. Requires only for Chrome browser. Firefox by default starts maximized


To open private chrome browser


To disable notifications, works Only in Chrome browser



To Auto Download in Chrome:

To Auto Download in Firefox:

We can add any MIME types in the list. MIME for few types of files are given below.

  1. Text File (.txt) – text/plain
  2. PDF File (.pdf) – application/pdf
  3. CSV File (.csv) – text/csv or “application/csv”
  4. MS Excel File (.xlsx) – application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet or application/
  5. MS word File (.docx) – application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
    Zip file (.zip) – application/zip

The value of can be set to either 0, 1, or 2.

0 – Files will be downloaded on the user’s desktop.
1 – Files will be downloaded in the Downloads folder.
2 – Files will be stored on the location specified for the most recent download

Disable notifications in Firefox

firefoxOptions.set_preference(“dom.webnotifications.serviceworker.enabled”, false);
firefoxOptions.set_preference(“dom.webnotifications.enabled”, false);

Open specific Firefox browser using Binary:

Open specific Chrome browser using Binary:
from selenium import webdriver
from import Options

options = Options()
options.binary_location = “”
driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=options, executable_path=””)

Read Browser Details:


Go to a specified URL:


Locating Elements:

driver.find_element_by_ – To find the first element matching the given locator argument. Returns a WebElement

driver.find_elements_by_ – To find all elements matching the given locator argument. Returns a list of WebElement


<input id=”q” type=”text” />

element = driver.find_element_by_id(“q”)

By Name

<input id=”q” name=”search” type=”text” />

element = driver.find_element_by_name(“search”)

By Class Name

<div class=”username” style=”display: block;”>…</div>

element = driver.find_element_by_class_name(“username”)

By Tag Name

<div class=”username” style=”display: block;”>…</div>

element = driver.find_element_by_tag_name(“div”)

By Link Text

<a href=”#”>Refresh</a>

element = driver.find_element_by_link_text(“Refresh”)

By Partial Link Text

<a href=”#”>Refresh Here</a>

element = driver.find_element_by_partial_link_text(“Refresh”)

By XPath

<form id=”testform” action=”submit” method=”get”>

Username: <input type=”text” />
Password: <input type=”password” />


element = driver.find_element_by_xpath(“//form[@id=’testform’]/input[1]”)

By CSS Selector

<form id=”testform” action=”submit” method=”get”>

<input class=”username” type=”text” />
<input class=”password” type=”password” />


element = driver.find_element_by_css_selector(“form#testform>input.username”)

Important Modules to Import:

from selenium import webdriver
from import WebDriverWait
from import expected_conditions
from import Select

from import By
from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains

from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException

from selenium.webdriver.firefox.firefox_binary import FirefoxBinary

from import Options
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options

Python Selenium commands for operation on elements:



Text field:





Find out the select element using any element locating strategies and then select options from list using index, visible text or option value.

Python Cheat Code

Element properties:


These methods return either true or false.

Read Attribute:


Get attribute from a disabled text box



Note: An important note to store screenshots is that save_screenshot(‘filename’) and get_screenshot_as_file(‘filename’) will work only when extension of file is ‘.png’. Otherwise content of the screenshot can’t be viewed

Read articles for more details about taking screenshot and element screenshot

The list here contains mostly used python selenium commands but not exhaustive. Please feel free to add in comments if you feel something is missing and should be here.

3 Responses

  1. […] Previous: Previous post: Execute Python Selenium tests in Selenium GridNext: Next post: Python selenium commands cheat sheet […]

  2. Thank you very much

  3. Hi Sir,

    I am trying to do the sorting in selenium with python using For loop could u please help me is there any way that i can do it ?

    Sorting in descending order in the below website
