Undercover Huber Twitter

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  1. Undercover Huber Twitter
  2. Undercover Huber Tweets
  3. Twitter John Huber
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Remember this thread? Recently declassified HSPCI interview of the Trump Tower translator now proves Adam Schiff knew *2 and half years ago* there was no Collusion at that meeting

Trump’s tweet referenced a parody account on Twitter about Huber, called “Undercover Huber,” that has more than 246,000 followers. Socom confrontation ps3 download. Huber’s real account is “@USAttyHuber.”.

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  1. — Undercover Huber (@JohnWHuber) May 20, 2020 Over two and a half years ago, on Sep 18, 2017, CNN ran this “bombshell” article alleging that the FBI team investigating Russian “Collusion” had a FISA warrant on Paul Manafort.
  2. The contents of Samochornov’s “302” – the form used by the FBI to report and summarize agent interviews – were first flagged this month by “Undercover Huber,” a pseudonymous Twitter account dedicated to following Trump-Russia news (not to be confused with Justice Department official John Huber, who was tasked with investigating potential FBI misconduct during the 2016 election).
Interview of Anatoli Samochornov, Nov 28, 2017, HPSCI.
—No discussion of dirt on Clinton at Trump Tower meeting
—Nobody even mentioned the US presidential election
—Samochornov would have gone to the Feds if he heard anything bad (and he heard everything, in Russian + English)
Adam Schiff, 16 months after that interview with Congress: Trump Tower meeting is “direct evidence” of “Collusion”
Robert Mueller knew the Trump Tower Collusion theory was a joke in July 2017, 4 days after it hit the press. Schiff knew it was a joke in Nov 2017 (at the latest).
Half the public still think it’s true in May 2020. The media are a joke.
,17 tweets,7 min read
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Within 4 days of the Trump Tower meeting being leaked to the media, Mueller’s FBI investigators interviewed a *key* witness who 100% backed up the account of @DonaldJTrumpJr & other participants
No collusion or info exchanged, lasted a few mins, mostly about adoptions 🚨
The Trump Tower meeting was leaked on Jul 8 2017 & set off a media firestorm about potential “Collusion”. The media narrative was allowed to fester in the mind of the public thru 2017, 2018 (and the midterms), lasting until the 2019 Mueller report release
Less than *four days* later, Mueller’s FBI investigators knocked on the door of ANATOLI SAMOCHORNOV, the translator in the meeting (& an American citizen, who contracted for the State Dept. for years & whose wife worked there during Hillary’s time)
N.B. Here’s a May 2018 thread on Samochornov for more background on him:
Samochornov gave the agents a full list of attendees, the topics discussed during a brief 20 minutes by the “Russians” (mainly the Magnitsky act/adoptions), that Jared Kushner left the meeting early and that Paul Manafort was fiddling with his cell phone he was so bored by it!
“There was no discussion of the 2016 United States presidential election or Collusion between the Russian government and the Trump campaign”
“There was no smoking gun..there was not a discussion about “dirt” on Hillary Clinton..did not think Hillary Clinton was mentioned by name..Veselnitskaya did not offer any materials during the meeting and no papers wree exchanged.. additionally there was no follow-up”

Undercover Huber Twitter

“Samochornov was not particularly fond of @DonaldJTrumpJr but stated [his] account of the meeting..was accurate. [He] concurred with [Trump’s] accounts of the meeting. “They” were telling the truth..would have contacted FBI if he thought the meeting was nefarious” 🚨👀
Of course, Mueller said nothing about the avalanche of misleading media reporting claiming this was evidence of Collusion, and even investigated the Trump campaign for “Obstruction” in their response to media enquiries about something Mueller KNEW was a lie
That @DonaldJTrumpJr’s account of the Trump Tower meeting was independently corroborated within a few days was not mentioned in the Mueller dossier. Of course it wasn’t
Despite relying on Samochornov’s account for key facts, the “no smoking gun” statement from someone “not fond” of Trump & linked to Hillary’s State Dept. is not included in Mueller’s innuendo-laden account of the meeting
Just compare Mueller dossier to FBI agents interview notes
—Mueller could have shut down fake news about the Trump Tower meeting almost immediately. His office did so with other false reports (e.g BuzzFeed & Michael Cohen) but left this hanging for years
—Mueller dossier lacks key facts & context & is misleading. Again!
Source: vault.fbi.gov/special-counse… (Part 4; Pages 50-57, FBI 302 of Samochornov)
Also worth noting that @CNN and @BuzzFeed originally filed the lawsuit that got these records released under FOIA and they’ve had them for weeks. Have they done any reporting on this? Of course not. Zip.
Compare this thread to Collusion Hoax reporters in 2018. No correction. No apology. Just more doubling down

Undercover Huber Tweets

Great points by @Techno_Fog

Twitter John Huber

Thanks to @Heminator for writing this up (I had no involvement in the article in case you’re wondering - no collusion here!)