Wordpress Site Builder

A free website builder that scales with your needs.

Should you use Wordpress or a website builder to build a website? Well, it depends— mostly on you.

The Power of WordPress + the Ease of a Drag-and-Drop Builder. WordPress is an excellent choice for building just about any kind of website, but with near endless designs and plugins to choose from, getting started with WordPress can feel overwhelming. A free website builder that scales with your needs.

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Updated Apr 12 2021By Steve Benjamins

Wordpress is a content management system (CMS)— not a website builder. CMS’s are flexible but have a learning curve. Website builders are less flexible but easier to use.

Wordpress Free


I’m going to explain the upsides and downsides for both website builders and Wordpress.

Different Editors

Website builders typically have a visual drag-and-drop interface that allows you to drag-and-drop elements around your website. Gmod pac3.

Squarespace, a website builder, has a visual drag-and-drop interface.

Free Site Builder Wordpress


Wordpress Example Sites

A CMS like Wordpress doesn’t have a visual interface. Instead, it has a form editor called Gutenberg. The form is abstracted away from the page so what you see on the form isn’t necessarily what the page will look like.

Wordpress Site Builder Software

You may find yourself swapping between Wordpress's editor and the published website to see how everything is looking.