Xero Accounting

  • I need a Xero accountant on board who understands our strategic direction.

  • We need to get in a business planner who understands the valuable legacy we've built.

  • I want to engage someone with real-life management experience to advise me as my business grows.


Strategy, management & accounting
experience, expertise and tools

Alpha Pro Partners are an authorised Xero accounting firm based in Dubai supporting ambitious businesses. Book a free consultation today. Keep track of your unpaid and overdue invoices, bank account balances, profit and loss, cashflow, ba. 'With Xero integration, timesheets from Deputy are directly imported into our Xero payroll system so we won’t have to worry about staff getting paid incorrectly.' Declan Lee, Director, Co-Founder, Messina. Connect Repairdesk with Xero to automatically add invoices, payments & customers to your Xero account. Cloud-based accounting software solutions by Xero. Backed by PRM CPAs + Advisors! All access pass to accounting tools and CPA services for a fixed rate monthly subscription.

Get your business humming

Xero accounting vs quickbooks

Squeeze extra value out of Xero with our Xero
Accounting services.

Get paid faster, get more control over your cash and get more done. Use our Xero expertise to manage your business more effectively.

Make your plans come to life

Xero Accounting Login

Get the financial projections you need and prepare your presentation.

  • Pause
  • Play
  • Mute
  • Unmute

Maximise the future profitability of your startup or established business with a bullet-proof business case to get the green light from investors.

Tick tax off your list

Get your tax sorted with our Tax services
for business.

We have the qualifications, experience and business-focus to take the misery out of your tax time. Company tax returns, FBT, GST and more.

Xero accounting


My contribution to your bottom line has to be greater than my fees, or your money back.


how to maximise the cool features of Xero?


Get more time, insight and profit for your accounting dollar. We focus on the management of your accounting back-office using Xero.


our business planning process?

Whether you're a new start up or established family business, we work with you to increase future profitability.



Xero Accounting Tutorials

Awareness is everything in for business

Avoid nasty surprises from the ATO with our tax planning sessions. We're Registered Tax Agents since 2006.


Anne Plummer
0415 533 195

  • Tax Agent

  • Xero

  • CPA

    True Accounts is a CPA practice
  • Qualifications

    MBA (AGSM) Grad.Dip.Fin.Mgt. (UNE) B.Mus. (Perf.) Sydney Conservatorium of Music.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.