This blog is about the How To Keep App Window Always on Top on MacOS. I will try my best so that you understand this guide very well. I hope you all like this blog How To Keep App Window Always on Top on MacOS. If your answer is yes then please do share.
The How To Keep App Window Always on Top on MacOS
It’s amazing that a simple feature like Always on Top for Windows is still not part of the main Mac OS system. After all, in a way, Mac OS is the premium version of the open source Linux platform. And this functionality is not absent from the open source platform.
Moreover, the darkNC SIMBL plugin works only on macOS 10.12 Sierra, and it needs the mySIMBL application for quick and effortless installation. Enable the dark Notification Center from the Terminal app. However the second one, can not be deleted because is a mounted file and it contains a copy of the original mySIMBL. I tried restarting in SAFE MODE holding SHIFT at boot to force the flush of temp files but didn't worked.
Mysimbl Uninstall
Now, just because Always on Top isn’t an option when you right-click your application window on your Mac doesn’t mean that there aren’t workarounds. Here’s how you can implement Always on Top for Windows on Mac OS.
Open mySIMBL Go to the Plugins tab and find the plugin you want to disable Either disable the plugin by clicking the green dot or trash it by double clicking the trash can icon.
To get started, you need to download the latest version of mySIMBL. Extract the file and go to the mySIMBL application.
It might sound a bit simple, but some users report that it doesn’t always work so easily. If you are having trouble with the installation, there is something you can do.
You can turn off System Integrity Protection before attempting to install SIMBL again. To do this, you need to restart your machine and then press and hold Command-R while booting. It will help you get into recovery mode.
From there, access the Terminal via the keyboard shortcut or from the Utilities menu. In the terminal, you want to enter the command “csrutil disable”. This line will disable system integrity protection.
Reboot your machine again and log in normally.
Now you will want to move SIMBL to the applications folder. You can do this when prompted with a message that should read:
Once SIMBL is on your system, you get the Afloat collection on the Github page. Use the Finder to navigate to the Bundle folder. You will notice two files: “SIMBLE-0.9.9.pkg” and “Afloat.bundle”.
You want to extract the “Afloat.bundle” file into your mySIMBL window. Just drag and drop.
Once you do that, make sure you get a notification that it is listed among the plugins. You should see a green dot next to the plugin.
Restart your machine after that.
When you reconnect, open the Afloat app. From there, go to the window options and find the Keep Afloat option in the list. Click on it to add it. This should now give you the Keep Afloat option for some of your apps.
Don’t expect this to work on all of your apps. The Keep Afloat option will only work with applications compatible with SIMBL. For apps that recognize it, the option should appear like this:
Depending on how you installed SIMBL, you may need to do one more thing. Yes, you guessed it, re-enabling the System Integrity Protocol. Return to the recovery mode terminal and enter the following command “csrutil enable”.
Restart your machine and you are good to go.
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While it looks like Afloat fixes the Always on Top issue on Mac OS, remember that it only works with SIMBL compatible apps. For example, you won’t be able to keep your Firefox browser always on top.
Even Google Chrome showed mixed results depending on the OS version and the version of the SIMBL package. For best results, always keep both up to date.
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mySIMBL is a utility for installing application bundles in macOS. These packages can deeply customize your macOS experience, providing toggle switches for hidden values and exposing new customization functionality. It’s not the most stable tool, but it provides opportunities for macOS customization that are otherwise inaccessible.
Post Contents:
What Is SIMBL?
SIMBL (a.k.a. Simple Bundle Loader and Smart Input Manager Bundle Loader) is the basis for mySIMBL. It allows developers to make modifications to programs written in Cocoa without access to the source code. Originally, SIMBL was used to modify Apple’s Safari browser (once known as PithHelmet), which didn’t have an extension infrastructure until 2010. Today, SIMBL is a platform for modifying how programs run on your Mac. It can inject changes into other applications, allowing you to change how applications look and run. Fundamentally, you can imagine SIMBL as a package manager for application plug-ins.
Installing mySIMBL on macOS
By itself, mySIMBL is only a framework for managing plugins. By itself, it doesn’t change any functionality, but it provides the tool that allows you to install plugins.
To install mySIMBL, download the application from the project’s GitHub page.
Then, either drag it to your Applications folder, or use the pop-up options to move the application there on first run.
Downloading Bundles for macOS Customization
Bundles can be accessed and installed from within the mySIMBL application.
1. Click on “Discover” in the menu bar on the left of the mySIMBL application.
2. Use the search box in the upper-right to filter all applications by name.
3. When you’ve found a plugin to install, double-click on the plugin’s row.
4. Click the “Get” button to install the selected plugin.
5. When the application is installed, the “Get” button will change to “Open.”
6. Once the application is involved, you will need to restart the target application. Applications that affect the entire system may require you to reboot your Mac. Other applications may not even require a restart.
Uninstalling and Deactivating Packages
To deactivate a package, click on the green dot at the right of its menu item in the “Manage” screen.

If you want to uninstall a package, first find it in the Discover screen. Click the plugin bundle to open its detail screen, then click the “Remove” button to uninstall the plugin.
Mysimbl Mojave

mySIMBL is far from a perfect application. They haven’t yet reached a 1.0 release, meaning that the application is still considered to be in beta at the very least. That said, the infrastructure provided by mySIMBL enables deep system and application customizations that wouldn’t otherwise be possible. For example, there’s no way to “float” application windows on top of all application windows without the mySIMBL plugin Afloat. So, for some users, the trade-off in stability will be worth the extended capabilities.
The one thing mySIMBL doesn’t offer is much control over bundles. At the moment, there isn’t much a user can do to control a plugin bundle after its been downloaded. It either does its thing, or it doesn’t. Future versions of mySIMBL may provide this feature, but for now, users are limited to the functionality provided by the plugin without user interaction.