Finance Calculator


Personal Finance

Car Loans

Estimate monthly payments for your new Honda vehicle. With the Honda Payment Estimator tool, it’s easier than ever to understand your financing and leasing options. Finance Calculator This finance calculator can be used to calculate the future value (FV), periodic payment (PMT), interest rate (I/Y), number of compounding periods (N), and PV (Present Value). Each of the following tabs represents the parameters to be calculated.

Credit Cards

Calculate Your Future Today© is here to help you set goals for your future and make plans to achieve them. Our articles and information will give you the guidance to make smart choices, and we have an online financial calculator for every calculation you need to make, giving you the numbers to formulate a plan tailored to your specific needs. We do not sell anything on this site or make commissions on any products we might recommend, so you can be sure the information presented here is in your best interest.

Our Calculators

If you're only looking for a financial calculator, you can find a full list on our financial calculators page. Otherwise, you'll find the relevant ones in each of the sections below. None of the information you enter into our calculators is recorded or stored in any way, so all of your data remains yours and only yours. If you're searching for a free online financial calculator to calculate the future value of a periodic payment, you can go directly to our compound interest calculator.

First Steps

If you're ready to make a financial plan for your future but not sure where to begin, read our article on the 10 Steps to Financial Success. You can use our financial glossary to look up any terms you may not understand. Our site contains articles and tools for every aspect of financial planning, from the fundamentals of personal finance to debt, credit cards, mortgages, and investing. While we do cover making money through investing, this site is not focused on current employment or building a business. For in depth help with making money now, see our sister site: Here's a summary of what you'll find on this site:


Here you can learn about different types of mortgages and use our free calculators to find monthly payments, interest rates, compare options and terms, and much more. We have a standard mortgage calculator for fixed mortgages, a simple loan calculator, and many others. Are you interested in buying a house but want to keep your monthly payments the same as your current rent? No problem. We've got a calculator for that. See our section on mortgages for answers to all your questions.

Car Loans

Make sure you're not getting scammed with dealer financing by double checking your loan numbers with our free car loan calculator. In our car loan section you can compare loans, see total cost differences between different cars, and determine whether you'd be better off with a car loan or a home equity loan. You'll also find detailed information you should consider before financing a car.

Credit Cards

Use our credit card calculator to compare cards, see what you can save by consolidating credit card debts, and find out how much you need to pay to pay off your credit cards by a specific goal date. You'll also see the difference between making fixed and minimum payments, and how much principle and interest you're paying each month.

Debt Management

Before you start saving for retirement you need to take care of bad debts. Otherwise, you'll be losing money due to high interest rates. In our debt management section you'll find articles and calculators to help get out of debt as quickly as possible.


Whether you're just getting ready to invest, or you're already saving and investing your money, our section on investing will be very useful. You'll find articles on smart investing, the value of diversification, timing the market, financial advisors, and more. In addition, our financial calculators will compute compound interest for both periodic and lump sum investments, CD interest and APYs, and help you fund financial goals.

Retirement Planning

In our section on retirement planning you'll find a comprehensive retirement calculator along with advice to help you invest wisely. We also cover retirement funds and discuss the difference between traditional and Roth IRAs, the benefits of rolling your 401(k) into an IRA, and much more.

Personal Finance

Check out our personal finance calculators to find out when you'll become a millionaire and your current net worth. We've got savings calculators so you can see how much you'll save from quitting smoking, making your own meals vs. eating out, guying generic vs. name brand goods, and a very useful opportunity cost calculator.

If you've got any questions or comments, we'd love to hear from you. Please contact us and we'll get back to you quickly. Enjoy our site, and best wishes from all of us at Financial Calculator!

Quick and easy time value of money calculations

This time value of money (TVM) finance calculator is very helpful for anybody who needs to work out complicated time value of money problems without the need for physical financial calculators.

To reach a future value of {{ tvmResults.fv | currency:'$' }} you will need to contribute {{ tvmResults.pmt | currency:'$' }} at the end of each period.

To reach a future value of {{ tvmResults.fv | currency:'$' }} you will need an annual return rate of {{ tvmResults.rate | number:2 }}%.

To reach a future value of {{ tvmResults.original_fv | currency:'$' }} you will need to invest for a total of {{ tvmResults.periods }} periods, and the actual future value will be {{ tvmResults.fv | currency:'$' }}.

To reach a future value of {{ tvmResults.fv | currency:'$' }} you will need to invest {{ tvmResults.starting_investment | currency:'$' }} at the beginning.

Payment Schedule

  • How to Use

What is Time Value of Money (TVM)?

Financial Calculator

Put simply, the time value of money concept states that $1 today is worth more than $1 at some time in the future. This is because when you have the money right now, you’re able to do things with it—like invest it into something that earns interest.

We have a full lesson on the time value of money, as well as many other lessons and calculators for various uses of TVM as well.

How to Use

The calculator is very powerful but also designed to be easy to use. Simply select the tab for what you are looking to solve for and enter the required details. The calculator will then return your results quickly and accurately.

Future Value

Let’s say that you have $100 to invest in a savings account. This $100 is your present value (PV) because you have it in hand right now. You can calculate what that $100 will be worth in the future if you invested it into an account that pays 10% interest per year for a one year period.

The answer is clearly $110, and this is your future value (FV). $100 today is worth $110 one year from now if the interest rate is 10%.

The real power of TVM comes when you think about the compounding interest over a longer period of time. Let’s say you leave the money in for one more period at 10%.

Your new PV is $110, and so you earn 10% interest on this new amount:

Finance Calculator online, free

Interest = $110 times 0.10 = $11FV = $110 + $11 = $121Calculator

So, if you invest $100 for two years at 10% per year interest, the future value of that money is $121.

The calculator can work out what the future value is based on the number of periods, the starting, principal, the interest rate, and the payments (if any) made.

Note: you can set PMT to zero if you don’t have payments to calculate.


The PMT tab lets you calculate the total payment amount you need to make to reach the desired future value given the interest rate, number of periods and the starting principal.

This can be very useful for financial planning for a variety of things. For example, let’s say you want to invest in a rental property and you have how much you want to invest (principal) and you know how many periods you want and the interest rate, as well as the future value of the property.

The calculator would let you work out what the annual payment for that would need to be.


This tab lets you calculate what interest rate you would need to have in order to reach your future value figure, given your starting principal, the number of periods, and the amount you can pay per period.

Periods (N)

Let’s say you know what you want the future value of your investment to be worth, and you know how much you have to invest now, as well as your payment per period and the interest rate you can get.

This tab will let you calculate how many full periods you will need to invest for in order to meet your future value.

To hit your required FV you may need to earn slightly more than the FV because you need a full period to get the required interest, so the calculator will also show you the exact FV you’ll receive as well as the number of periods required.

Start Principal

Finance Calculator Auto

This tab lets you figure out how much money you need to invest upfront in order to hit your future value target, given the number of periods, interest rate, and payment per period.

Payment at Beginning or End?

Typically, the payment is made at the end of the period, and the calculator defaults to this setting when calculating interest.

Finance Calculator Investment

If you want to calculate the interest with the payment made at the beginning of the compound period, you can switch this and see how it affects the interest earned.